Tag Archive for: healthy cooking

100th Monkey Mushroom Farm

100th Monkey Mushroom Farm
Have you ever tried growing you own mushrooms?

I can honestly say that the thought never crossed my mind. Yes, me the “granola girl” “”hippy chick” as I have been called by those who know me; had never entertained the idea of growing mushrooms. That is until I met the peeps from 100th Monkey Mushroom Farm at the Natural Products Expo West. Their crew was kind enough to send me home with a blue oyster mushroom kit to try and write about.
I wish I could say I jumped right into the product wholeheartedly but the procrastinator in me took over and it sat, and sat. Then I moved it into a spot I would have to pass by every day and still it sat and sat… Until one day when my Bugs (aka Mitch-my son) offered to help me set it up. Once I opened the box and saw how easy and quick it was to set up (5 minutes tops) I kicked myself right in the procrastinating spot prominently displayed on my bottom. This was such a great project. From growing then suddenly seeing my on crop to harvesting and creating a meal with the gorgeous mushrooms, it was so much fun! My only regret is that I waited to so long to get started.

I highly encourage you to jump on the 100th Monkey Mushroom Farm website and grab a few kits for yourself, your kiddo’s classroom or anyone you know that is interested in good food, fun, learning and good health.

Below I have included three videos-set up, harvest and recipe for you to enjoy so click on over to get the skinny on this way cool simple product. Please share with your friends this fun and easy project and of course the videos from My Sage Gourmet.

My Mushroom Farm videos
Get the Recipe
About 100th Monkey Mushroom Farm Founders
Health Benefits of Mushrooms

To Eat and What to Eat

Ahhh! The constantly evolving food debate. What to eat, when to eat, why to eat and how to eat it.
The experts tell us that diets make up a 20 billion dollar revenue every year in the U.S. weight-loss industry, including diet books, diet drugs and weight-loss surgeries. Further, that 108 million people are on diets in the US at any given time. The industry continues to grow at a rapid pace, thanks to our want and need to finally find what works and make it a permanent lifestyle companion.

It is my belief that we should eat what works best for our own individual bodies. Keeping in mind that bio-individuality plays a huge part in what you can and should eat for the long and short term. What works for one person in your home, might very well be making another unwell. If you are trying to eat what everyone around you does and you are finding that you never feel satiated or physically well after you eat, perhaps it’s time to revisit your food choices. If that is the case, let’s connect, I can help. My personal choice is to eat fresh, local, not too much and organic whenever possible. This is not to say that I do not struggle, hell yes I do. I am a constantly evolving work in progress and proud of it! I share this with you to add some food for thought and perhaps some insight as to what may work for you.
Wellness is Always in Season at My Sage Gourmet

I found this article interesting, including the comments after the article. Which are so passionate and show that food is definitely a big topic of conversation. I would love to hear your thoughts. Please share them here. Cheers to a Great 2015

How does your diet stack up?

How does your diet stack up?

Despite the buzz about paleo and raw food diets, a new ranking of the 35 top diets puts these two near the bottom of the list.


The U.S. News & World Report rankings are based on evaluations by a panel of doctors, nutritionists and other health experts. For each diet, the experts evaluated short-term and long-term weight loss, ease of adherence, and how the advice stacked up against current dietary guidelines. The experts also considered health risks.

And when it comes to paleo, or the caveman diet, the verdict is that eating the way our hunter-gatherer ancestors did is not very realistic. Read more here

Also checkout: Supplements
Sources: John LaRosa of MarketData; National Weight Control Registry; American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery; Jo Piazza, author of “Celebrity Inc.: How Famous People Make Money.”

Cauliflower, It’s the Real Deal!

I know you have heard it over and over, “Eat your vegetables, they are good for you” Still, some folks try as they might , can’t seem to get past the basic salad or a couple of broccoli stems before calling the it quits… I am here today to ask you to take another look at Cauliflower. Perhaps after reading this you will have a new prospective on this deliciously healthy sweetheart of the veggie world. Of course I included a link to an easy, quick recipe that is inexpensive, makes a good size batch and it tastes delish! Now let’s move on to the real deal about Cauliflower.

Cauliflower is one of several vegetables in the species Brassica oleracea, in the family Brassicaceae. Typically, only the head (the white curd) is eaten, although the leaves are also edible and deliciously mild. Its name is from Latin caulis (cabbage) and flower.

Health Benefits
While cauliflower is not a well-studied cruciferous vegetable from a health standpoint, you will find several dozen studies linking cauliflower-containing diets to cancer prevention, particularly with respect to the following types of cancer: bladder cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, and ovarian cancer. This connection between cauliflower and cancer prevention should not be surprising, since cauliflower provides special nutrient support for the body systems. Chronic imbalances in any of the body’s systems can increase risk of cancer, and when imbalances in all three systems occur simultaneously, the risk of cancer increases significantly. Keep in mind that these cancer prevention studies are still in their infancy, however show great promise.

Cauliflower’s incredible Anti-inflammatory Benefits
The anti-inflammatory nature of glucosinolate/isothiocyanate and other nutrients found in cauliflower has been the basis for new research on inflammation-related health problems and the potential role of cauliflower in their prevention. Promising research is underway that many health professional feel will shed light on the potential benefits of cauliflower in relationship to our risk of the following inflammation-related health problems: Crohn’s disease, inflammatory bowel disease, insulin resistance, irritable bowel syndrome, metabolic syndrome, obesity and rheumatoid arthritis
Another reason to show a little love to Cauliflower: Scientists have not always regarded cardiovascular problems as having a central inflammatory component. However what is clear is the role of unwanted inflammation in creating problems for the blood vessels and circulation. The anti-inflammatory support provided by cauliflower makes it a food also capable of providing cardiovascular benefits. Of particular interest is its glucoraphanin content. Glucoraphanin is a glucosinolate that can be converted into the isothiocyanate (ITC) sulforaphane. Not only does sulforaphane trigger anti-inflammatory activity in our cardiovascular system—it may also be able to help prevent and has the potential to assist in the reversal of blood vessel damage.

Cauliflower gets props for Digestive Support
The fiber content of cauliflower—over 9 grams in every 100 calories—makes this cruciferous vegetable a great choice for digestive system support. Yet the fiber content of cauliflower is only one of its digestive support mechanisms. Researchers have determined that the sulforaphane made from a glucosinolate in cauliflower (glucoraphanin) can help protect the lining of your stomach. Sulforaphane provides you with this health benefit by preventing bacterial overgrowth of Helicobacter pylori in your stomach or too much clinging by this bacterium to your stomach wall.
Cauliflower is has Super Hero Detox Power
The detox support provided by cauliflower includes antioxidant nutrients to boost Phase 1 detoxification activities and sulfur-containing nutrients to boost Phase 2 activities. Cauliflower also contains phytonutrients called glucosinolates that can help activate detoxification enzymes and regulate their activity. Three glucosinolates that have been clearly identified in cauliflower are glucobrassicin, glucoraphanin, and gluconasturtiian. While the glucosinolate content of cauliflower is definitely significant from a health standpoint, cauliflower contains about one-fourth as much total glucosinolates as Brussels sprouts, about one-half as much as Savoy cabbage, about 60% as much as broccoli, and about 70% as much as kale.
A high intake of cauliflower has been associated with reduced risk of aggressive prostate cancer.[16]

Cauliflower can be roasted, boiled, fried, steamed, or eaten raw. Steaming or microwaving better preserves anticancer compounds than boiling. When cooking, the outer leaves and thick stalks are removed, leaving only the florets. The leaves are also edible, but are most often discarded. The florets should be broken into similar-sized pieces so they are cooked evenly. After eight minutes of steaming, or five minutes of boiling, the florets should be soft, but not mushy (depending on size). Stirring while cooking can break the florets into smaller, uneven pieces.
Boiling reduces the levels of these compounds, with losses of 20–30% after five minutes, 40–50% after ten minutes, and 75% after thirty minutes. However, other preparation methods, such as steaming, microwaving, and stir frying, have no significant effect on the compounds.
Here is a recipe I have been making for 25 years now, and still it is one of my all time faves! Recipe: Carol’s Cauliflower Soup

The Nutritional Skinny (per 100 g/ 3.5 oz)
Energy 104 kJ (25 kcal)
Carbohydrates 5 g
Dietary fiber 2 g
Protein 1.9 g
Water 92 g
Thiamine (vit. B1) 0.05 mg (4%)
Riboflavin (vit. B2) 0.06 mg (5%)
Niacin (vit. B3) 0.507 mg (3%)
Vitamin B6 0.184 mg (14%)
Folate (vit. B9) 57 mg (14%)
Vitamin C 48.2 mg (58%)
Vitamin E 0.08 mg (1%)
Vitamin K 15.5 μg (15%)
Calcium 22 mg (2%)
Iron 0.42 mg (3%)
Magnesium 15 mg (4%)
Manganese 0.155 mg (7%)
Phosphorus 44 mg (6%)
Potassium 299 mg (6%)
Zinc 0.27 mg (3%)