Losing Someone you Love

They say the hardest thing in the world is losing someone you love. Someone you grew old with and watched grow everyday, someone who showed you how to love. It’s the worst thing to ever happen to anyone. My wife died unexpectedly. She brought me so much joy. She was my everything. Those 16 years of being her husband taught me how to love unconditionally. We have to stop and be thankful for our spouses. Because, life is very short. Spend time with your spouses. Treat them well. Because, one day, when you look up from your phone, they won’t be there anymore. What I truly learned most of all is, live and love everyday like it’s your last. Because, one day, it will be. Take chances and go live life. Tell the ones you love, that you love them everyday. Don’t take any moment for granted. Life is worth living. (Liam Neeson)

Wow, beautifully said don’t you think? My gosh, this really hit home for me. Losing someone you love is beyond difficult, it is life altering.  I like most people have been there more than a few times. Most people I know have lost someone they love. And yet, most of us need these kinds of reminders every so often.

My husband and I just celebrated our 7 year wedding anniversary. We joked that it feels like a lot longer, but I know we both feel that time is flying by. We spent a lovely short weekend out of town away from all the day to day stuff. It was a much needed wonderful break. I feel that we need more of those, even if its just a bit of downtime at home. I adore my husband and I am truly blessed to have this man in my world- He is my guy! I have a bad habit of getting caught up in the chores, the bills and stress about business challenges that get me off track. It can really pile up to where it is hard to see my everyday blessings.  I need to be better at living in those blessings and not in junk I perceive as “getting me off track”.  I mean what the hell does all that junk really amount to? I can be a silly girl sometimes. Note to self,  be better, do better!

Losing someone you love is a painful reminder that life is truly so fragile.

Get out there today and Love with everything you’ve got.
