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100th Monkey Mushroom Farm

100th Monkey Mushroom Farm
Have you ever tried growing you own mushrooms?

I can honestly say that the thought never crossed my mind. Yes, me the “granola girl” “”hippy chick” as I have been called by those who know me; had never entertained the idea of growing mushrooms. That is until I met the peeps from 100th Monkey Mushroom Farm at the Natural Products Expo West. Their crew was kind enough to send me home with a blue oyster mushroom kit to try and write about.
I wish I could say I jumped right into the product wholeheartedly but the procrastinator in me took over and it sat, and sat. Then I moved it into a spot I would have to pass by every day and still it sat and sat… Until one day when my Bugs (aka Mitch-my son) offered to help me set it up. Once I opened the box and saw how easy and quick it was to set up (5 minutes tops) I kicked myself right in the procrastinating spot prominently displayed on my bottom. This was such a great project. From growing then suddenly seeing my on crop to harvesting and creating a meal with the gorgeous mushrooms, it was so much fun! My only regret is that I waited to so long to get started.

I highly encourage you to jump on the 100th Monkey Mushroom Farm website and grab a few kits for yourself, your kiddo’s classroom or anyone you know that is interested in good food, fun, learning and good health.

Below I have included three videos-set up, harvest and recipe for you to enjoy so click on over to get the skinny on this way cool simple product. Please share with your friends this fun and easy project and of course the videos from My Sage Gourmet.

My Mushroom Farm videos
Get the Recipe
About 100th Monkey Mushroom Farm Founders
Health Benefits of Mushrooms