A shockingly large majority of health news shared on Facebook is fake or misleading

As consumers and health advocates, being even more diligent about what we buy into and what we share is so important. For many reasons, “fake news” is a growing trend. This article is an eye opener and well worth a read!

Just how factually accurate are most health articles you come across? You might be savvy enough to sort Goop from the Mayo Clinic, but when it comes to traditional news outlets. You might also be surprised to learn how much false information is really out there.

Health Feedback, a bipartisan network of scientists, collectively assess the credibility of health media coverage, worked together with the Credibility Coalition to examine the 100 most popular health articles of 2018–specifically, those with the highest number of social media engagements. They studied stories from numerous well-known websites, such as Time, NPR, the Huffington PostDaily MailNew Scientist, CNN, and more. Link to read the full article