The Magic Bullet

healthy life
Let’s talk about the Magic Bullet, you know the one I mean, it’s that solution you have been looking for. The Magic Bullet that will fix among other things, issues such as feeling tired all the time and your digestion. The magic bullet that will reduce your pooch, lower your blood pressure and give you back your vitality.

Boy do I have some Great news and some not so great news… Which one do you want to hear first?

“Let food be thy medicine, let medicine be thy food”-Hippocrates
First, Please indulge me for a moment or two while I reacquaint you to an old friend and Greek Physician from 460 BC-Hippocrates. It was his fervent belief that what we put into our bodies has the ability to heal us of many maladies, including a generous amount of diseases that we struggle with today. Diseases that are much more prevalent today due in large part to our dietary choices and our lack of knowledge about what is in the food we are eating, diseases such as heart and liver disease, cancer and diabetes.
When you consider that the average lifespan on an adult male in 460 BC was 45 years, and that Hippocrates lived until between the age of 83-90, some say till over 100, that man must have been on to something with this whole Food be Thy Medicine concept. . I would say that this extraordinary man who truly practiced what he preached.

When I see clients, almost every single one at some point says the same thing to me, I am tired of not feeling well. I don’t know why I feel this way. Or I don’t know what is right for me.
I don’t want to be reliant on meds. Basically they are sick and tired of being sick and tired.

So, I ask you what if anything is the MAGIC BULLET?
Much of what these clients and what you may be experiencing can be reduced, if not cured by adopting some simple food solutions.
You have heard me say it before but it bears repeating. What works for your body, will not work for other folks, just as what works for them may not work for you.
How do you find out what is serving your body, and what is not. How do you know what your needs are?
Your belief system or previous mindset may dictate that Meat is a no go for you. Or that meat is only way you can get your protein.
You might not be able to imagine yourself without a plethora of choices in the cheese department. Or simply cannot do without that sweet treat after your meal.
Here’s the thing, if you are experiencing health problems and you are not dissecting you diet, then you are actively deciding not to address your health issues. Perhaps, for you the Magic Bullet is more palatable than a shift in your kitchen and lifestyle
I am not telling you not to eat cheese, or meat or dairy or grains… At least not for good. What I am suggesting is that you take 10
Let’s try an experiment. I call it Take 10
By Laying off of just 10 foods and drinks in your regimen for just 10 days.
At the end of the 10 days, you can slowly add items back in one at a time. The great news about this experiment is that you also get to add 10 foods. So, in essence you are eating more good foods, gaining new habits and letting your body re-assess your needs.

Take 10 out- 10 foods to remove for just 10 days
1-Dairy-Milk, Ice Cream, Butter and cheese
3-Night shades (goji berries, huckleberries and gooseberries), potatoes (potato starch, eggplant, tomatoes and peppers
4-Gluten-wheat, rye, oats and barley
6-Fruit Juice
7-Processed meats cold cuts, bacon, hot dogs, canned meat, sausage and shellfish and pork.
9-Sugar-no added sugar at all and no artificial sweeteners
10-Condiments-Salad Dressing, mayo, ketchup, tartar sauce

Add 10- Foods to Add

1. Raw nuts and seeds-Walnuts, Almonds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds
2. Raw Apple Cider Vinegar (tablespoon every day in water)
3. Small amounts of good fats found in olive, grape, sesame and avocado oil
4. Fish Oils- capsules and in fresh, wild caught fish-Salmon- — a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, which have been linked to a reduced risk of depression, heart disease, and cancer.
— A 3-ounce serving contains almost 50 percent of your daily dose of niacin, which may protect against Alzheimer’s disease and memory loss.
5. Fermented foods-Sauerkraut, kombucha, miso (fermented soy beans)
6. Beans and Legumes
7. Greens and lots of them every day! Spinach, kale, Red leaf lettuce, arugula
8. Fresh dark fruit-Especially red or purple grapes, pomegranates and berries
9. Avocados- Rich in healthy, satisfying fats proven in one study to lower cholesterol by about 22 percent.
— One has more than half the fiber and 40 percent of the folate you need daily, which may reduce your risk of heart disease.
10. Vitamin C- in the form of citrus-Just one lemon has 100% of the daily recommended amount, which may help increase “good” HDL cholesterol levels and strengthen bones. — Citrus flavonoids found in lemons may help inhibit the growth of cancer cells and act as an anti-inflammatory.
After your “Take 10” experiment, slowly add foods you are still interested in eating back into your diet slowly. That was you will be more likely to be able to tell if something isn’t agreeing with your system. Listen to your body’s clues about how you are feeling.
Enjoy the journey!

Other suggestions for success:

Keep a pad of paper near your kitchen table/ and/or night stand- on the pad, making note of your Mood, Sleep Patterns, Digestion, Skin Clarity, Hairs texture, eye clarity and Elimination.
Cook at least once a day, preferably more
Share your adventure with friends and family and invite them to join you
Move a minimum of 30 minutes every single day-No exceptions

Will this Take 10 experiment be Your Magic Bullet? I think you will find, there is no need for a Magic Bullet when you are cued into your body’s needs and conscious about what you put into your body!
I will look forward to hearing about your experience soon!

Do you want to take this a healthy step further? Ask me about my Spring 10 Detox program. Free coaching, recipes and gifts are included! Find out more