Easy Does it. A Solution for the rest of us

Below is my interview with Motion Picture Television Fund (MPTF) blogger, MJ Miller. I absolutely love teaching at this campus. My students are the best! Between the people I meet there and the history behind all the old days of movie making, it is such an honor for me to be privy to this tribe. This is also the place my Grandma “GG’ as we called her, spent most of her adult working life. She had so many stories to tell from her days as the head of housekeeping for the whole campus. I would share but privacy is paramount for our guest and residents alike. GG was the matriarch of our family and we miss her everyday! When I heard from a friend that they were putting a beautiful gym on campus at MPTF and I immediately applied as a yoga instructor. I wanted to work there because our GG had so long ago and because I had such an elevated ideal of what it would be like to teach there. Alas, there were no openings. I proceeded to hound the managers like any determined A type Yoga teacher would. Finally after four months,I got a call for an interview. I don’t know if they were just tired of me hounding them or if they thought I was as good of a fit and I knew I would be. Either way I got the job Woo Hoo! I have been at MPTF going on 8 years now. I can certainly see at least some the magic my GG must have experienced those many years ago.

I was recently interviewed for my third time one of which follows. I hope you enjoy it! Be well, Carol

EASY DOES IT. A Resolution for the Rest of Us.

You’ve all made your heartfelt resolutions, right? Eat better, exercise more, be more organized, call your parent/sibling/oldest friend regularly, read more, couch surf less… and you’re now exhausted and it’s only the middle of January.

May we gently suggest that you ease into the whole makeover concept by combining quality time with a friend or loved one and some stretching. Carol Takakura, certified health and nutrition consultant and yoga instructor, is a big believer in the benefits of yoga for people of all ages and capabilities.

Partner Pikes Plus Kids Yoga Priceless!

Partner Pikes Plus Kids Yoga Priceless!

Partner Pikes Plus Kids Yoga Priceless!“Yoga helps kids with their attention span. It is good for seniors with arthritis or lower back pain. And it helps build muscle strength and improves posture for everyone.” Which means there are no excuses – and every opportunity to start a regular yoga practice with your nearest and dearest!

If you’re new to yoga, Carol suggests you join a class. “A class helps give you a sense of well-being and camaraderie,” she says. It also gets you started down a safe path of exercise that takes your level of ability into consideration. A good yoga instructor will help you find the right poses and modifications that let you immediately begin to feel the benefits.

If you already have a favorite sport or activity, yoga is one of the best cross-training activities there is. “Yoga will improve anything,” says Carol. “Flexibility, range of motion, balanced muscle groups – yoga keeps all muscles in shape, not just those specifically for the sport you do the most.”

We’ve talked before about the Benefits of Breathing, and yoga uses that power of breath in combination with poses to improve your physical and mental health. Focused breathing is shown to lower your blood pressure and anxiety levels. Even the simplest poses help kids feel more grounded, which can help them control their tempers and be more patient. A yoga practice brings you back in touch with your entire body. How do you feel? What is strong today? What is feeling a little off? What adjustment can you make to bring your body back into balance? “Yoga allows everyone to be successful no matter what physical activity they’re doing now,” says Carol. “It can help improve body image for young girls, and can help seniors avoid falls by improving balance.”

Sunrise Sun Salutations

Sunrise Sun Salutations

Sunrise Sun Salutations

So. Take a breath. Consider what you need to do to begin walking down a path to a more healthy and balanced life. Take a look at some of Carol’s classes or see if MPTF has some classes that fit into your schedule. Then grab your kid or your granny or your office mate and get started!